What's left you ask? This week I'll plant the second crop of snow peas, I'll also plant turnips and radish. I'll probably plant several planting of radish over the next few weeks as they are quick maturing. I've still got onion sets as well as pearl onions left from the spring, I'll plant those for green onions. This afternoon after it stops raining I'll transplant lettuce seedlings in the hydroponic system and start a few lettuce seeds too. If you want lettuce, spinach, and arugula, those can all be planted over the next few weeks. The freezing temperatures in November will slow these crops from growing but you'll be able to harvest greens well into the winter and you'll actually have early greens next spring.
Otherwise I'm done planting for the 2015 vegetable growing season.
I've ordered cover crop seeds for the fall planting and I'll have crimson clover seeds at the garden for everyone to put down for the winter if you don't grow veggies. I'll put out more info as soon as the clover seed is here.