The full moon for March, the Worm Moon, occurred yesterday morning and in this part of the world we missed an eclipse. The Worm Moon is for the earthworms that are stirring now as the soil warms. And since this full moon is the first after the spring equinox, this Sunday is Easter. And that makes this Friday Good Friday which is traditionally when we plant potatoes. So have at it!! Actually the almanac says today is better than tomorrow but in any case we have good days to plant.
It was 29 degrees on my back porch Tuesday morning but I didn't see damage on anything planted in the garden so far. There is plenty of warm weather in the 10 day forecast so we'll really start planting next week. Next week I'll plant peas and the first crop of green beans.
It was 29 degrees on my back porch Tuesday morning but I didn't see damage on anything planted in the garden so far. There is plenty of warm weather in the 10 day forecast so we'll really start planting next week. Next week I'll plant peas and the first crop of green beans.