So what to do. Warmer and dryer weather is coming. To help myself out, today I started several flats of cucumbers and squash seeds. It won't take but a couple days to sprout these seeds in the basement and then they'll go in the garden. So if your seeds didn't sprout in the garden go ahead and start a few seeds indoors and then set them out once they are up and approaching the second leaf stage. These young seedlings won't have much of a root system in a week but they will transplant easily. If we do this we'll be back on schedule.
In bed 142, I put in sweet potatoes for the slips. The sweet potatoes will sprout and be ready to transplant in about 3 weeks and I blog that then. If you want to start your own sweet potatoes, simply plant a whole sweet potato in your garden or in a pot. Bury the tuber about 4" deep. Once it sprouts and the sprouts get 4"-6" tall, dig up the original tuber, break off the individual sprouts and replant those. You'll get 2-3 lbs of sweet potatoes (or more) from each slip.
Hang with me, even here on the farm it is too wet to do much in the garden. But believe me, things will get better.