The sweet potato crop was sporadic. With the abundant rains we had this season, I found sweet potatoes much deeper in the ground than usual. Typically sweet potatoes swell up an out of the ground, this year they followed the moisture down into the soil. If you are still waiting for your sweet potatoes, check deeper under the plants and you might find your treasures.
Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower are doing well although I am seeing black spot fungus on the broccoli crowns due to the wet weather.
Speaking of rain...4.5" last weekend. I'm glad we sat out in the field and watched the airshow Saturday afternoon!
But now for the topic of the day; next year, already. Last week I planted garlic so it is that time of year. The moon started waning so the garlic crop went in. I only grow the elephant garlic, does well and has a good garlic flavor. I didn't plant all I had so I'll bring the seed garlic to the farmers market if you want to pick some up to plant.
Also last week we replanted strawberries. If you want good strawberries in the spring, plant them now so they will be established. If you have strawberries growing, clean out the old mother plants from this year and the new daughters will make your crop in the spring. I ordered more than I needed so I have a few of those for sale also.
Lastly, onions will be arriving in a few weeks. Once they are in I'll have those at the market also.
Mother Nature abhors bare ground. I dropped off a supply of clover seeds in the garden shed. A small cup is included in the bucket, that cup is all you need for an entire 20' bed. Scatter the seeds, rake them into the soil and we'll grow a nice cover crop to help build the soil for next year.